Sound and Trance Formation

Sonund TransFormation

Here we present this training cycle in music therapy and therapy for altered states of consciousness, for personal, professional, and spiritual development. This course consists of 3 blocks of two weekends of theoretical and practical work. However, optionally, the course can be extended with the construction of an instrument. It is granted for therapists in general (psychologists, music therapists, psychotherapists, sociotherapists, and art therapists), and people who are seeking a broader and more spiritual approach in their own work within the context of therapies. It can also be a good complement for musicians, artists, coaches, etc.

The Team

Joel Olivé, music therapist, luthier, and musician

Dr. Peter Hess, psychiatrist, neurologist, music therapist.

Heike Hess, holistic therapist, sound therapist

El curso «Sound TransFormation» (Formación en Sonido y Estados de Tránsito), está basado en 38 años de experiencia y desarrollo en psicoterapia, psiquiatría y musicoterapia. Peter Hess ha creado esta nueva forma de musicoterapia receptiva, la renombrada Terapia del Gong. Ésta es muy similar a la terapia con psiquedélicos desarrollada por Stanislav Grof y Richard Yensen y rituales chamánicos, pero tiene la ventaja de que estas experiencias pueden ser integradas de una forma más eficaz en nuestra cultura y sociedad. Los instrumentos arcaicos en el viaje sonoro crean una conexión con las raíces de nuestra existencia en el vientre materno, pero también en las raíces de la humanidad como globalidad (o conjunto). Esto nos permite ir más allá de la dualidad y nos proyecta hacia un nuevo modelo de conciencia a través de un conocimiento consciente del proceso interno.

The course offers practical and theoretical aspects, such as self-exploration through sound journey, bodywork, vibrational healing and body awareness, shamanic ritual in modern psychotherapy, musical improvisation with all kinds of instruments, active/receptive music therapy, introduction to interpretation techniques of archaic instruments and understanding their effects, harmonic singing, mindfulness and sound meditation, the theoretical background of the Gong Ritual, set and setting, the difference between active and receptive music therapy, the bridge between psychotherapy and shamanism, altered states of consciousness and neurology, spirituality in treatment, basic perinatal matrices according to S. Grof and transpersonal psychology.

Booking is open for 2024



  • Practical aspects

exploration through sound travel.   Body work: vibrational healing and body awareness.   Shamanic ritual in modern psychotherapy. Musical improvisation with all kinds of instruments. Active music therapy/receptive music therapy. Archaic instruments: introduction of performance techniques and understanding of their effects. Overtone singing.   Mindfullnes and meditation with sound

  • Theoretical aspects

Theoretical background of the Gong Ritual. Set and Setting.   Difference between active and receptive music therapy.   Bridge between psychotherapy and shamanism. Altered states of consciousness and neurogiology.   Spirituality in treatment.   The basic perinatal matrices, according to S. Grof. Transpersonal Psychology.




_____________Dates and timings_____________

The Gong Ritual and the Amniotic Universe

20 y 21 de Enero de 2024 y 20 y 21 de Abril 2024

Monochord, Obertone Singing, Shruti Box Monochord, Harmonic Singing, Harmonic Flute, Tanpura, and Singing Bowls. Vibrational instruments. Basic Perinatal Matrix I.

From Heaven to Earth and The Archaic Battle

September 28th and 29th, 2024 January 18th and 19th, 2025

Tanpura, Voice, Melodic Instruments, Didgeridoo, and Mother Drum, Ocean Drum Percussion, Thunder Drum, Water Drum, and other percussion instruments. Basic Perinatal Matrix I and II.

Death and Rebirth and Integration.

12th and 13th of April 2025 and 20th and 21st of September 2025.

Sinfonic Gong (Mallets, Thunder, Frames), Handpan, Pantam, Space Drum, Rav Vast, Spring Bowl. Koto, Sansula, Rav Vast, Flute. Basic Perinatal Matrix II, III and IV.

meditación cursos talleres musica sonido viaje sonoro paisaje sonoro didgeridoo sound transformation sound tranceformation
Gong photo by Alexander Boethius



Schedule for all seminars 8 hours per day - 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Registration, information, and requirements.

Previous experience in music or altered states of consciousness can be helpful, but it is not necessary. However, it is important to have interest and willingness to open up and discover one's inner parts. In no case can this course replace therapeutic assistance and each participant must behave responsibly.

All persons interested in the course should submit a written document with their personal information (full name, address of residence, age, language/s), a brief explanation of their motivations for taking the course, and attach a short biography (education and work) and a personal portrait, all in a Word or Pages document. Send an email requesting registration along with the required information to: sound@soundtrance.comThe seminars will be offered in Spanish or English, translated into Spanish.

Sound Trance Institute reserves the right to make changes to the program in case of force majeure.

You can book the entire course (3 blocks of 2 weekends, six weekends in total, total cost: 1800€) or 1 block (two weekends, cost: 700€), and the dates will be fixed.

If you miss a booked weekend, you can make it up in the next edition for 300€.

Additionally, you can also participate in a workshop to build an instrument:

  • Residential workshop for building a Monochord starting from 1450€, with a 25% discount for Sound TranceFormation students.
  • Workshop for Shamanic Drum Building: cost of 200€ for Sound TranceFormation students and 250€ for non-students.

Upon completion of all 3 blocks, a certificate of attendance from the Sound & Trance Institute will be issued. During the course, you can book individual sessions or group therapy sessions, or music classes, benefiting from a 25% discount on all activities.

Espai Mandala
C / pujada del parque del castell, 13
08241 Manresa, Barcelona
Google Maps: Espai Mandala Manresa,
Carrer de la Pujada del Parc del Castell, 13, 08241 Manresa, Barcelona


The copyrights of this course belong to STI (Sound Trance Institute).


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