Transformative Music
Joel Olivé, 1976 Barcelona, multi-instrumentalist musician, music therapist and luthier. I am a promoter and collaborator of music therapy workshops for the expansion of consciousness at national and international level, I work combining with research and studies of music and yoga of sound, with voice, overtone singing and archaic instruments, among them: the symphonic gong, the didgeridoo, the monochord, the bina and the tabla, and I am specialized in their application in therapy. I am the creator of most of the instruments I use in music therapy sessions, sound journeys and concerts, I like to design the sound I feel. I have published numerous writings and articles about the instruments, as well as an extensive collection of musical works, available on Spotify (Joel Olivé) or Bandcamp (Enteoanima).
In my beginnings I started djing records, becoming a professional d.j. in the mid 90s. Later I discovered the didgeridoo, an instrument that would progressively change my life and my musical passion. I delved into body expression through sound and collaborated for a few years with numerous musical bands and performing arts groups (Living Theatre, Sémola Teatre, among others).
I began to deepen in the therapeutic aspects of Digeridoo; and soon I met Dr. Peter Hess, with whom we created the Institute of Sound and Trance (Germany-Spain), and with whom we currently direct the international training of Sound and Trance States, STF - Sound TransFormation.
He introducido la musicoterapia en CITA (Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento de Adicciones) y en el Espai Vital (Centro para el tratamiento de enfermedades degenerativas). Soy miembro fundador y músico de Sons de la Cova, proyecto que introduce la meditación con sonido en la Iglesia de la Santa Cova (Manresa) desde 2003. Soy profesor de musicoterapia en la Universidad de Girona, y ofrezco seminarios regularmente en la Universidad de Arizona (Escuela de Derechos Humanos), donde enseño cómo la música y los estados expandidos, pueden beneficiar a la humanidad. Soy colaborador habitual de ICEERS (Barcelona), SÄPT (Suiza) y del Instituto Transpersonal Integrativo (Barcelona). También ofrezco classes en: Instituto transpersonal Integrativo (Barcelona) y ONCA Psychedelic Therapy Training (Colombia), entre otros cursos y formaciones, y he tenido la oportunidad de colaborar con SÄPT, presentando mi música en Basilea, Suiza.
Entre mis discos, disponibles en www.Enteoanima.Bandcamp.com, Spotify y ITunes, destacan: Enteoanima, con colaboraciones de Luis Paniagua, Byron Metcalf, entre otros, y también Gong ritual (con Peter y Heike Hess) y Door to the Archaic, producido por Byron Metcalf. He hecho muchas colaboraciones y conciertos, solo o con otros músicos (Albert Galvany, Joan Miró, Nuria Cervera, Maria Rodés, Gerard Quintana, Federico Sanesi, Natxo Tarrés, Muom, Gianni Cavallaro, Prashant Mallik, Jaume Catà, Roger Martínez, Amu Ahava, Maureen Ji, Shira Kalev, Ravi Ramoneda, Yerko Fuenzalida, y un largo etc.).
I have studied didgeridoo with the Australian Aborigines, African percussion with the Senegalese and tabla and singing of Indian classical music and Dhrupad (during my long stays in India), and I am currently studying guitar and handpan.
Among my studies, I highlight the training in Music and Unconsciousness (Society of Applied Ethnopsychology), and the ECCS (European College of Counciousness Studies). I studied Fine Arts (Universitat de Barcelona), and I have a postgraduate degree in music therapy from the Blanquerna University.
Contratación: 0034 – 619 33 44 86
AYAHUASCA World Conference, Music by Joel Olivé: Uniting for a Better World
Entrevista de Musicoterapia a Joel Olivé
Enteoanima: Exclusive CD publishing
Crowdfounding for the publication of the CD/ Digital album of Joel Olivé, with great collaborations.
Retreat in Austria
Retreat with JOEL OLIVE from May 20th to 22nd, this time in the beautiful seminar center ‘The Tree’ including. ✨ LIVE music with the sound
Receptive Musictherapy
Manresa, every 15 days, 15€ per session 50€ x4 sessions
Drum Building Workshop
24 y 25 DE JULIO (2021), MANRESA IMPARTIDO POR JOEL OLIVÉ Y LEIRE ARANEGI Es un ritual; una experiencia única de transformación y empoderamiento personal
Llamado de Calma, Paz, Amor y Luz
Dear Sound Family, Here is a last minute announcement from Sound Trance Institute. We have decided to postpone next week's meeting, as we have already
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Bloque I: El Universo Amniótico
Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para Enero 2024. Bloque I: El Ritual del Gong y el Universo Amniótico (MPBI)20 y 21 de Enero de 2024