Formación Sound & Trance
Formation in sound and trans states
Here we present this training course in music therapy and therapy of altered states of consciousness, for personal, professional and spiritual development. This course consists of 3 blocks of two weekends of theoretical and practical work. However, optionally, the course can be extended with the construction of an instrument.
Esta concedido para terapeutas en general (psicólogos, musicoterapeutas, psicoterapeutas , socioterapeutas, y arteterapeutas), y gente que están buscando un acercamiento mas ancho y espiritual en su propio trabajo dentro del contexto de las terapias. También puede ser un buen complemento para músicos, artistas y coaches, etc.
The team
• Dr. Peter Hess, psiquiatra, neurólogo, musicoterapeuta (Alemania);
• Heike Hess, terapeuta holística, terapeuta del sonido (Alemania); y
• Joel Olivé, musicoterapeuta, músico (España)
The Course
The Trance and Sound Training course is based on 30 years of experience and development in psychotherapy, psychiatry and music therapy. Peter Hess has created this new form of responsive music therapy, the renowned Gong Therapy. It is very similar to the psychedelic therapy developed by Stanislav Grof and Richard Yensen (psychedelic: soul-unveiling/decoding) and shamanic rituals, but has the advantage that these experiences can be integrated more effectively into our culture and society. The archaic instruments in the sound journey create a connection to the roots of our existence in the womb, but also to the roots of humanity as a whole. This allows us to go beyond duality and projects us into a new model of consciousness through a conscious awareness of the inner process. Many people have experienced altered states of consciousness through other and different methods such as meditation, yoga, drugs, extreme sports, etc.. But sometimes it is difficult to integrate the experiences brought into their daily life. A central goal of our work is to assist this integration not only for self exploration or healing, but also to assist in the development of a new awareness of our universe as a whole and the role of our planet in it. It is known that the experience of altered states of consciousness through music can lead to a greater exploration of oneself and can help to find ways to release the ego and dissolve limited states of mind, avoiding and resolving mental blockages such as those produced in states of addictions or psychotic disorders.
Practical aspects:
- Experience the altered states of consciousness through music.
- Self exploration through sound journey.
- Bodywork: vibrational healing and body awareness
- Shamanic ritual in modern psychotherapy.
- Improvisación musical con todo tipo de instrumentos.
- Musicoterapia activa/musicoterápia receptiva.
- Instrumentos arcaicos: introducción de técnicas de interpretación y comprensión de sus efectos.
- Canto de armónicos.
- Mindfullnes y meditación con sonido
Theoretical aspects
- Fondo teórico del Ritual del Gong. Set y Setting.
- Diferencia entre musicoterapia activa y receptiva.
- Puente entre la psicoterapia y chamanismo.
- Estados alterados de conciencia y neurogiologia.
- La espiritualidad en el tratamiento.
- Las matrices perinatales básicas, según S. Grof.
- Psicología Transpersonal.
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Bloque I: El Ritual del Gong y el Universo Amniótico
Octubre 2020
Marzo 2021
Bloque II: Simbiosis y Batalla Arcaica
Julio 2021
Octubre 2021
Bloque III: Muerte y Renacimiento e Integración.
Abril 2022
Julio 2022
Bloque I: El Ritual del Gong y el Universo Amniótico (MPBI)
Monocórdio, Canto de Harmónicos y Cuencos Cantores.
Bloque II: Simbiosis y Batalla Arcaica (MPB II i III)
Tanpura, Instruentos Melódicos, Didgeridoo y Tambores.
Block III: Death and rebirth and integration.
Gong Sinfónico y todos los demás instrumentos.
Schedule for all seminars
8 h diarias
9’30h a 13’30 y 16h a 20h
Information and requirements
All persons interested in the course will submit a brief essay (in Spanish, Catalan or English), explaining their motivations for taking this course, attaching also a brief biography, personal data, and image, together in one word or pdf document. Send an email, along with personal data to: sound(@)
The seminars will be offered in Spanish or English translated into Spanish/English. The group will be open during the process of 6 fixed weekends, with a duration of 2 weekends in each block, you can book for all 3 blocks (six weekends) or 1 block (two weekends), and the dates will be fixed. You pay in advance, there is no refund if you miss any of the dates you have booked.
Previous experience in music or altered states of consciousness can help, but it is not necessary. However, it is important that there is interest and willingness to open oneself to discover the inner parts of oneself. In no case can this course replace therapeutic assistance and each participant must behave responsibly. In addition, an instrument building workshop (not included in the price) is also available. Upon completion of the 3 blocks, you will receive a diploma of attendance from the Sound & Trance Institute.
During the course, you can book individual sessions or group therapy sessions, or music classes, benefiting from a 25% discount on all activities.
Espai Mandala
C / pujada del parque del castell, 13
08241 Manresa, Barcelona
Google Maps: Espai Mandala Manresa,
Carrer de la Pujada del Parc del Castell, 13, 08241 Manresa, Barcelona
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